Virtual Missions

Engaging Science Education from Home

Our Virtual Missions are perfect for school groups and homeschool students looking to add a dynamic, educational experience to their curriculum. These missions not only teach valuable STEM skills but also inspire curiosity and a love for science.

These sessions are designed to complement and enhance the STEM concepts being taught in schools and homeschool environments.

Engage with content that reinforces classroom learning through practical, real-world applications. Each session is led by one of our experienced Challenger Flight Directors, ensuring high-quality instruction and interaction.

Destination Mars

Grades: 3-6

Destination Moon

Grades: 7-8

Observation Earth

Grades: 6-8

Immersive STEM Learning

Dive into the world of STEM with Classroom Adventures, a suite of in-class digital experiences designed to enhance student collaboration and contextualize STEM learning through real-world scenarios.

Ideal for 3rd-5th grade classrooms, each Adventure is structured around three one-hour blocks that include an interactive simulation, a problem-based engineering activity, and a nonfiction writing exercise.

Destination Mars_Circle_Color

Destination Mars

Target Grades: 3-6

Length of Program: 1 hour fully virtual with a CLCA Flight Director

Cost: $475 a mission per class, minimum students 8, max 32

Mission Overview: Join our mission to Mars as researchers analyze data to determine the best moon of Mars to build a research base. This interactive session challenges students to solve real-world problems through data analysis and critical thinking.

Registration: Contact us for booking

Destination Moon

Target Grades: 7-8

Length of Program: 2 hour fully virtual with a CLCA Flight Director

Cost: $630 a mission per class, minimum students 8, max 32

Mission Overview: Ready to return to the Moon? This mission involves launching with Blue Origin’s New Glenn and landing with Blue Moon. Students will explore lunar surfaces and plan a second habitat for astronauts, incorporating elements of aerospace engineering and lunar geography.

Registration: Contact us for booking

Destination Moon_Circle_Color
Observation Earth_Circle_Color

Observation Earth

Target Grades: 6-8

Length of Program: COMING SOON

Cost: TBD

Mission Overview: Build new satellite technologies to monitor data from Earth. Students work together to replace outdated sensors on the International Space Station, using robotics and spacewalks to install new hardware and analyze Earth data. This hands-on mission enhances their understanding of Earth and space sciences and engineering, preparing them to address real-world global challenges.

Registration: Space is limited, ensure your participation by registering soon.

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